Feb 19, 2025
5:30pm (Potluck) 7:00pm (Worship)
Christ Lutheran Church 1301 Luzerne St Reading, PA 19601-1607
The Pretzel City Parish invites you to its' opening fellowship and worship celebration on Wednesday, February 19 at Christ Lutheran Church, 1301 Luzerne Street, Reading (In the Glenside neighborhood - just off of Route 183 and Route 12). 5:30 p.m. Potluck Supper and Fellowship. 6:30 p.m. Hymn Sing. 7:00 p.m. Worship/Program with Bishop Chris deForest Presiding. The service includes a Group Bible Study of Isaiah 58, a joint choir anthem, and an offering for the 4 Parish Food Pantries. The Primary Mission Project of the Parish is Food Ministry.
Please RSVP in advance with your Name, Congregation and What Food You will Bring to the Potluck Meal by emailing christlutheranrdg@gmail.com. All are welcome to come and celebrate our cooperative ministry accomplishment. Other congregations/rostered leaders who are pursuing cooperative collaborations are especially encouraged to attend.