February is Black History Month, a time to reflect on the struggles, achievements, and ongoing contributions of Black individuals and communities.
Throughout February, our synod's Racial Justice Team will share weekly resources and practical ways to engage in justice ministry, both in your congregation and daily life.
Week 1: By Deacon Deborah Graf (co-convenor of the RJT)
Why do we need a Racial Justice Team?
Until we live into the fullness of God’s reign, there will be division, inequity, and injustice. The Racial Justice Team strives to guide congregations, agencies, and members of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod as we grow together as God’s children and live into Jesus’ calling of authentic diversity through racial justice. The ministry of reconciliation is God’s gift to the entire church, and we are all blessed to participate in this holy work of God. Hear the Spirit’s call to action through the work and witness of other members of Christ’s body as we unite our gifts to love God and neighbor more fully and faithfully each day.
Where do I even start to learn more?
As one of the whitest denominations of the USA, the ELCA continues to provide resources to help people learn and understand the history and effects of racism and join in active anti-racist work. Here are some places to start:
Learn about Racial Justice Ministries
Learn about Ministries of Diverse Cultures and Communities
Join the Work to dismantle white supremacy in the ELCA and our world
Lower Susquehanna Synod Toward Racial Justice