For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:12-13)
By crossing racial, ethnic, and economic boundaries, the work and witness of the early church emphasized the unity of Christ’s body in the Spirit. Racial injustice, seen and unseen, separates us from one another and denies the goodness of God in all people. Everyone is harmed by racism and unjust systems, though in our society persons of color suffer disproportionately. Racial justice reconciliation is the ministry of Christ’s church for the world. Baptized into the radically inclusive body of Christ, we work together to create a climate of dignity, peace, justice, and freedom that embraces all people. An expression of God’s love for creation, racial justice ministry provides opportunities for growth, leadership, and empowerment, advocating for policies and programs that are socially and racially just.
The Racial Justice Team strives to guide congregations, agencies, and members of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod as we grow together as God’s children and live into Jesus’ calling of authentic diversity through racial justice. The ministry of reconciliation is God’s gift to the entire church, and we are all blessed to participate in this holy work of God. Hear the Spirit’s call to action through the work and witness of other members of Christ’s body as we unite our gifts to love God and neighbor more fully and faithfully each day.
Team Members
Deacon Deborah Graf – Co-convener
Rev. Samantha Drennan – Co-convener
Rev. Brian Beissel
Kaitlyn Olson Blend
Rev. Colleen Cox
Rev. Jennifer Hall
Rev. Brandon Heavner
Deacon Kat Tigerman - Staff Liaison