The Rev.
Christopher deForest
The Bishop has primary responsibility for the ministry of Word and Sacrament in this synod and its congregations; provides pastoral care and leadership for the synod, its congregations, and its rostered leaders; oversees and administers the work of the synod; and serves as ecumenical officer for the synod.

The Rev.
Rachael Dietz
Executive Associate to the Bishop
Pastor Dietz serves to strengthen lay and rostered ministry across the Synod through candidacy, First Call Theological Education, mobility, and stewardship. She also is the Synod’s Call Process Administrator.
Talk to Rachael about:
- Call Process Administrator
- Candidacy
- Congregational Constitutions
- Stewardship

Kathleen (Kat) Tigerman
Director of Evangelical Mission
Deacon Kat Tigerman serves as the DEM for the synod, helping congregations and ministries develop, collaborate, and grow, both in time-honored and totally new directions. She relates to the Witness & Service Ministry Team, Racial Justice Team, Green Team, and ELCA Coaching network.
Talk to Kat about:
- New starts/new ministry - SAWCs (Synod Authorized Worshipping Communities) & SAOMs (Synod Authorized Outreach Ministries)
- 6261 point person
- Gaining Strength cohorts
- Witness and Service Ministry Teams (and grants)

Eric Gombert
Director of Operations
Mr. Gombert is responsible for office and operational functions, and also serves as the synod finance administrator / bookkeeper. Eric is also Cantor at St. John, Allentown.
Talk to Eric about:
- Accounts Payable
- Human Resources
- 501C3 and PA Sales Tax Exemption
- NEPS finance and budget

Stacey Burke
Communications & Growing Young Coordinator
(Full Time)
Talk to Stacey about:
- Synod Enews, Social Media Website
- Video Production
- Growing Young
- Bear Creek Camp Synod Representative

Laurie Christman
Leadership Support Coordinator
(Full Time)
Talk to Laurie about:
- Maintains Rostered Leader and Congregation Files
- Receives Roster Leader Annual Reports
- Tracks Bishop deForest schedule
- Registrar for synod events

Debbie Skinner
Mission Support Coordinator
(Full Time)
Talk to Debbie about:
- Receives and maintains records of Mission Support contributions
- Receives Congregational Reports (Form A)
- Schedules supply ministers to congregations in transition
- Provides support for Candidacy testing

The Rev.
Jira Albers
Licensed Lay Ministers Coordinator
(Part Time)

The Rev.
Tara Lynn
Portico Regional Representative

(Full Time)
Talk to your Mission District Associate about:
- Accompany congregations through the entirety of the transition/call process.
- Work directly with congregations/rostered ministers on issues of conflict, involving the dean as needed.
- Develop relationships with congregations/rostered ministers outside of the transition process, especially those engaged in healthy, vital ministry.

The Rev.
Samantha Drennan
Northern Lehigh

The Rev.
Charles H. Grube
Scranton & Wilkes Barre

The Rev.
Jean L. Huber
Lehigh & Bethlehem/Easton

The Rev.
Zach Labagh

The Rev.
Drew Neidig
East & West Berks

The Rev.
Niels H. Nielsen

The Rev.
Carl Shankweiler
Talk to your Mission District Dean about:
- Conduct exit interviews for deacons and pastors leaving a call
- When requested, provide pastoral care for deacons and pastors
- Work with mission district leaders.
The Rev. Colleen Cox
The Rev. Nelson Quiñones
The Rev. Barry L. Spatz
The Rev. Jennifer Heavner
The Rev. Michael Scholtes
The Rev. Cindy White
The Rev. Michele Kaufman
The Rev. Dody Siegfried
The Rev. Inge Williams

The synod council is the board of directors for the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod and serves as the synod’s interim legislative authority between meetings of the synod assembly. The Synod Council normally meets four times a year. Visitors are welcome to sit in on council meetings except for executive sessions.
Vice President, Chair of the Council
Click on the name to email member
Facts and Responsibilities
The council consists of the four officers (Bishop, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer), two youth members, and twenty other people, nine of whom are elected by the nine mission districts. Officers are elected by the Synod Assembly. The Bishop serves for a term of six years; the Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected for terms of four years. The two youth members, one male and one female, are elected for two-year terms. The Vice President is limited to two consecutive terms in office, must be a layperson and may not receive a salary. The Secretary and Treasurer may be either lay or ordained and may or may not receive compensation for their duties.