On the Way

Journeying Together in Faith: Reflections from Chicago and Tanzania


Dear Loved Ones of God in NE PA,


I have really been “on the way” for the last two weeks, serving and representing you in two places: Chicago, for the bi-annual Conference of Bishops meeting; and the South-Central Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania.


As we bishops from all 65 ELCA synods gathered last Tuesday through Saturday, Hurricane Helene was also on its way to becoming one of the most devastating and deadly storms in U.S. history. Each report we heard from the four bishops who live and serve in Florida, the Carolinas and the Southeastern states brought us more and more difficult news. We prayed and prayed, and we pledged our support. I encourage you to keep praying and keep giving to one of the world’s most effective ways to provide direct relief: Lutheran Disaster Response.  


I will continue to be in touch with these bishops and will inform you of anything more specific that they request. My hope is, that we can also work with LDR-Eastern Pennsylvania to plan trips to the affected areas to help with recovery, which will take years of sustained effort and partnership.


Speaking of sustained partnership: From Sept 17 to Sept 24, I also had the great joy and privilege to visit (for the first time) with our Lutheran partners in the South-Central Diocese of the ELC in Tanzania. Our synod, with 17 of our congregations, established this partnership back in 2002. Over the past 22 years, there have been exchange trips, shared projects, and many deep relationships formed – all to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and serve God’s people in both our areas, through word and action.


I got to journey with Pastor Michele Kaufman, who serves you as our Synod’s Coordinator of Global Partnerships. Many of you followed her postings on social media and saw the summaries shared from our Synod Facebook page. Pastor Michele was an inspiration to all, and especially to the several younger women pastors who are doing a phenomenal job of leadership.


During our five full days in Tanzania, we visited most of the parishes that have relationships with congregations in our synod. Pastor Michele will be bringing those specific greetings to you all in the next few months. We were particularly amazed at three of their thriving ministries:


A mini-hydroelectric dam, built by the Lutheran Diocese itself, with loans from the national government and funds raised by the church and with the help of some of our congregations. It is just going online this past week. It features the latest technology and will provide electricity and jobs for all the people throughout the region. Their environmentally sensitive plans were well designed and implemented – clearly they share our synod value of “Love the Land” like Jesus loves all creation!


A thriving Lutheran secondary school, providing the highest standards and committed to serving the whole community. We got to spend an afternoon with the faculty, students, and staff, and we were truly impressed. The way they are committed to quality education especially for talented students from financially struggling families, is another way they connect with our synod value of “engage the strangers” and all those for whom Christ died and lives for today.


An impactful community hospital, run by the diocese, that addresses the life-long healthcare of all, but especially of families and children. Their pre-natal and post-natal departments were overflowing, as we met several new mothers who were grateful for the excellent and compassionate care they received. For Michele and I, we were deeply moved and inspired by how much the staff was able to do, with so little resources. Another Spirit-lifting example of our synod value “Healing the hurts” just like our great healer Jesus Christ calls us to do.


In every place and face we encountered, the message was clear: this is a thriving, growing Lutheran Church, who is inviting us in NE PA to share in their life-giving ways of loving like Jesus, healing like Jesus, and engaging like Jesus. In the weeks to come, watch for more information, as we dream and plan together with you the ways to revive and deepen our relationships with the South-Central Diocese. Together, in Christ, we will be Growing Young, Gaining Strength, and Going Beyond Death to Life!


Serving Christ Together,

Bishop Christopher deForest (he/him)

Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America