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God's Work Our Hands Storytellers (formerly known as "Mission Interpreters"):

  • Share stories of the ministries of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America  with members of congregations in an effective and compelling manner.
  • Provide a vehicle for two-way communication between congregational members and the wider church
  • Thank the people of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod for their continued financial mission support to the ministries of the larger Church

Benefits to Congregations:

  • Members are helped to look beyond the congregation and see how they are connected personally to mission and ministry around the world.
  • Members understand their identity as partners in the wider church, becoming strong advocates for the mission and ministry we share beyond the congregation throughout the NEPA Synod and the Church-wide organization.
  • Visits can be arranged for a Storyteller to visit with your congregation to share stories during the sermon time, Temple talk, in a Sunday School presentation, at a Bible Study class, or at a Congregational Council meeting.
  • “Mission-minded” congregations grow in membership and in spirit!


Stories of Faith in Action

Faith in Action stories from the Northeastern PA Synod highlight inspiring examples of how our congregations and organizations are living out their faith in dynamic ways. These stories showcase how they are embracing the principles of Growing Young and following Jesus' example of loving, healing, and engaging with others.

Click here to see all the stories available.


Contact Us:

For more information on God's Work, Our Hands Storytellers ministry or to have a Storyteller visit your congregation, please contact one of the co-coordinators below: