On the Way: Breathing in Faith

Breathing in Faith: On the Way to Election Day Dear God’s Beloved, On the Way in NE PA, As Election Day draws near, let us hear the word of the Lord from the prophet Isaiah: “Do not fear, for I am with you;I will bring your offspring from the east,and from the west I will gather you;I will…

On the Way: Reflections from Chicago and Tanzania

Journeying Together in Faith: Reflections from Chicago and Tanzania  Dear Loved Ones of God in NE PA, I have really been “on the way” for the last two weeks, serving and representing you in two places: Chicago, for the bi-annual Conference of Bishops meeting; and the South-Central Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. As we…

On the Way – Tragedy Response

Bishop Christopher deForest Addresses Recent Tragedies I am on my way to New Orleans, to spend the next four days with youth, young adults and youth leaders and accompaniers from our wonderful Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod, along with young people from across our church. It will be joyous, fun, meaningful and lifechanging for all of us.…

Bishop deForest’s Christmas Message

GREETINGS FROM YOUR NEPA SYNOD STAFF! Front from left: Zach Labagh, Eric Gombert, Kat Tigerman, Chris deForest Back: Samantha Drennan, Lauren Wolfe Blatt, Charles Grube, Stacey Burke, Niels Nielsen, Debbie Skinner, Laurie Christman, Jean Huber, Carl Shankweiler Not pictured: Rachael Dietz, Travis Woodfield Video Message