Weekly E-News

E-News is a weekly e-newsletter for rostered leaders (pastors and deacons), congregational leaders and members, and anyone interested in keeping up to date with happenings across the Synod and around the ELCA. SIGN UP HERE

Email Archive

Information for E-News can be submitted by clicking here

Event announcements are limited to those sponsored by the synod and its ministry teams; ministry partners and the ELCA. Personal or business events are not eligible.

Monthly Synod News

Our synod's monthly newsletters focus on stories about how the synod's mission support contributions have made an impact.

Please download the files appropriate for your situation.

  • If you prepare your newsletter using Word, Publisher, or Pages you can simply insert the graphics files (JPG) into the appropriate pages of your publication.
  • If you photo copy individual pages, you can print the PDF pages and then use them to compile your publication.

Current Newsletter - April

Color Edition

Black & White Edition