Town hall Chew & Chat (Pocono Mission district)
Gather at Zion United, Brodheadsville with Bishop Christopher deForest, VP Nancy Reichelt, & DEM Kat Tigerman
Gather at Zion United, Brodheadsville with Bishop Christopher deForest, VP Nancy Reichelt, & DEM Kat Tigerman
Gather at Arndts Lutheran, Easton with Bishop Christopher deForest, VP Nancy Reichelt, & DEM Kat Tigerman
Gather at Christ, Allentown with Bishop Christopher deForest, VP Nancy Reichelt, & DEM Kat Tigerman
Gather at St. John, Gernants with Bishop Christopher deForest, VP Nancy Reichelt, & DEM Kat Tigerman
Gather at Jordan Lutheran Church with Bishop Christopher deForest, VP Nancy Reichelt, & DEM Kat Tigerman