NEPS Pandemic Update – March 15, 2022
According to the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and from the resource website we use as a Synod, the “Covid Act Now Coalition,” all measurement levels have decreased in severity across all 14 counties of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod. This leads us to make the following recommendations:
- Congregational Councils and Pandemic Advisory Committees: assess and make all decisions based on the local conditions, including current active cases; the health conditions of their members and people they regularly interact with, at worship, in church buildings, at events, and in meetings; and the vaccination status in their communities, especially for families with small children and elderly.
- Affirm the decisions by individuals, groups, and neighboring congregations and organizations, who decide it is best for them to continue masking and following pandemic protocols.
- Prepare themselves with precautionary plans to return to pandemic protocols should conditions change; and inform their congregations of those plans and this possibility.
- Continue to promote vaccination and testing as the best methods to put and to keep Covid-19 and its variants in check.
The Synod staff and Bishop will continue to wear masks in meetings and while visiting around the Synod, out of an abundance of caution and care for our neighbors, and in support of those who must continue in their efforts to avoid infection and walk with those who are still at risk.
In God’s Love – Bishop Christopher deForest, NEPS Committee of Deans, and NEPS Staff
Links below to Covid Act Now site, to see the latest pandemic numbers for our Counties: